True False Positive Negative Precision Recall ?

Evaluation Method in Recognition or Detection 

In this post, We learn evauation sikills like
PR Curve(Precision-Recall curve)
AP(Average Precision)

* TP, TN, FP, FN

In Evaluation, Threre are four caseses like below.
Ground True
Predict Result
TP(true positive)
FN(true negative)
FP(false positive)
TN(false negative)

Let's Explain with Specific situation like 'face detection' which is processing image and return face box coordinates. 


True is box coordinate cover a face.
False is box coordinate which is not cover a face.
Positive is the Predict Result box cover a face
Negative is the Predict Result box is not cover a face

But this situation is not explain the caseses like below.

TP: when image include face, predict result box cover the face.
TN: when image include face, threre is no predict result box
FP: when image not include face, predict result box find face(exactly that's not a face).
FN: when image not in clude face, threre is no predict result box 

* Precision, Recall

Easily, you guess TP is good result and FP is bad result
but it's not a good with just using only this.

So there are good preformance indicators using those.

In my opinion, 
Precision is like 'how good detection it is'
Recall is like 'how bad detection it is'

* IoU

IoU (Intersection over union) measures the overlap between 2 boundaries.
We use that to measure how much our predicted boundary overlaps with the ground truth (the real object boundary). 
In some datasets, we predefine an IoU threshold (say 0.5) in classifying whether the prediction is a true positive or a false positive.

* Precision-Recall Curve

Assume that Predict Result like below. and all faces is 15

Then, We can Say "precision : 7/10, recall : 7/15"
But It's not True when use threshold on confidence

If confidence is very low , we think the result is not true.
Most of detection algorithm, threshold on confidence used.
so precision and recall is changed when confidence is adjusted like below chart

Finally, precision-recall curve is chart of above
( Chart , indicate precision&recall on threshold variations )

* AP

AP(average Precision) is number that represent precision-recall curve
AP value calculate the area of under PR curve like below
As you can see, Area Boundary is not exactly same with PR curve for calculating

*mAP : mean AP , if detection objects is more than one, each AP value's mean is mAP*

